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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

4 Quick Weight Loss Tricks That Actually Work

If you are looking for some quick fixes that you can apply today to solve your fat problem you came to the right place. Take 50 seconds to scan through this article, apply the simple yet very effective tricks described below and you will be one step closer to having the body that you always wanted and other people envy and only dream about.

Tip number 1: Write down everything you eat and take pictures of it every day

If you truly want to lose weight, seeing and showing the pictures to your family will help you control the unhealthy foods that you usually eat and have no nutritional value. Make sure to write on each picture the nutritional value and the sum of calories. This information can be easily found on internet for each specific food in your menu.

Tip number 2: Cut down half of what you usually eat

Another quick tip is actually eat less than what you are used to. Each time you see the plate in front of you just make sure you only eat half of it. Make a picture before and after you're done eating.

Tip number 3: Start doing physical exercise 15 minutes a day

That's right, it will only take 15 minutes out of your time to do some relaxing exercises. It can be any kind of exercise you are familiar and enjoy doing. You can dance on your favorite songs and make sure you include easy acrobatics in your dance, you can do jogging or playing basketball with your friends.

Tip number 4. Each week monitor your weight loss

Do you enjoy seeing regular people's picture before and after going on a diet? You can be one of those people and have a nice story to tell your friends when you show them your own "before" and "after" pictures.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Most Effective

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